Q: What types of articles does your journal publish?
A: Our journal publishes original research articles, review articles, case studies, editorials, etc. in various fields of study.
Q: How do I submit my manuscript for publication?
A: You can submit your manuscript online through our submission system. Please ensure that your manuscript meets our author guidelines and ethical standards.
Q: How long does the peer review process take?
A: The peer review process usually takes 4-6 weeks, but it may vary depending on the complexity of the study and availability of reviewers.
Q: What is the open access policy of your journal?
A: Our journal follows a gold open access policy, which means that all articles are freely available to readers without any subscription or paywall.
Q: What is the publication fee for accepted articles?
A: According to the approval of the editorial board of the publication and the permission of the University of Tehran, and according to the regulations of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, the authors should pay 6,000,000 Rials, for refereeing and in case of final acceptance of the article for editing. Received articles are reviewed by the managers of the journal and the scientific committee before being sent to the jury and may be rejected at this stage, the authors do not need to pay.
Q: How can I contact the editor or editorial office?
A: You can contact the editor or editorial office through our website or by email. Please allow up to 2 business days for a response.
Q: What are the ethical guidelines for authors, reviewers, and editors?
A: We follow the ethical guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and expect all parties involved in the publication process to adhere to them. For more information, please refer to our research and publishing ethics guidelines.
Q: How do I request permissions for reusing copyrighted material in my article?
A: Please ensure that you have obtained written permission to use any copyrighted material in your article and provide appropriate attribution. For more information, please refer to our guide to publishing permissions.
Q: How can I ensure that my research is reproducible?
A: We encourage authors to adopt transparent research practices, such as citing all data, program code, and other methods in their articles and including persistent identifiers for datasets and program codes. For more information, please refer to our Transparency and Openness Promotion (TOP) Guidelines.
Q: Can I share my articles (published by JAPR) on social media networks, such as ResearchGate and Academia.edu?
A: Yes, we encourage authors to share their articles on social media networks to increase the visibility and impact of their research. You do not need to seek permission to share your own articles on these platforms. However, please be aware that some publishers may have specific policies or embargoes on sharing articles on social media, so it is important to check the publisher's policies before sharing. Additionally, when sharing your article, please ensure that you provide a link to the original publication and cite it properly to avoid any issues of plagiarism or copyright infringement.