Evaluating the rate of engagement and academic achievement of high school students by using flipped classroom instruction

Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of this research was to evaluate the rate of engagement and academic achievement of high school students in English course by using flipped classroom instruction. Descriptive and experimental methods (pre-test and post-test) were used to apply the research. 56 students of second grade in a high school located in Tehran were randomly chosen and divided into control and experiment groups. One was taught by the traditional method and the other was taught using the flipped classroom model for 20 weeks (each session, 2 hours). The Reeves' questionnaire (2013) was used to measure the students' engagement rates in flipped classroom. For comparing the academic achievement between flipped and control groups the reliability of Reeves' questionnaire according to Cronbach Alpha was recognized (0.95), and a researcher-made-test with reliability of 0/90 was used to measure academic achievement of both groups. The findings show that the rate of students' engagement in flipped classroom in each four aspects behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and factor engagement is higher than average. Also, there is meaningful difference in students' academic achievement between experimental and control group. According to the results of this research, flipped classroom model promotes students' academic achievement by increasing their engagement rate.


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