Study of relationship between perfectionism and academic performance: mediating role of self-regulation and academic self-efficacy

Document Type : Research Paper



The various studies have reported inconsistent results about the relationship between perfectionism and academic performance. However, the perfectionism can influence academic performance through effecting on believes of academic ability and also self- regulated learning strategies. The present research was conducted to investigate mediating role of the self-regulation and academic self-efficacy in the relationship between students' perfectionism and the academic performance. The statistical population included all of the students of university of Bojnord that sample of 351 students was selected by cluster sampling method. Instruments of the study included Ahvazʼs perfectionism questionnaire (1999), Boufard’s self -regulation questionnaire (1995) and academic self-efficacy of McIlroy and Bunting (2002) and the average grades of students were for measurement of the academic performance. The collected data was analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling using the partial least squares method (PLS). Results showed that the perfectionism indirectly through academic self-efficacy and self-regulation variables affected significantly on the academic performance. The proposed model had good fitness indexes. Psychological interventions on the perfectionism can have a positive influence on the academic performance.


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